

发布日期:2018-02-25 作者:南昌新航道学校 点击:

本题是2013年1月5日的原题重现,最近几次考题都在重复2013年的原题,这或许是巧合,但也提醒各位烤鸭,近期多重视2013年 2014年的原题。


  那么,休闲式的阅读(read for pleasure)和看电视到底哪个更有利于培养我们的想象力和语言能力呢?









  People can entertain themselves in multipleways.They can read books, surf the internet, listen to music or watch TV. Many consider that the individuals who often read are better in language skills and creative capabilities like imagination than those who prefer to watch TV. To a certain extent, I am in favor of this argument.





  (2)entertain 使......娱乐;招待

  (3)multiple 多样的;多种的(=many)

  (4)capability 能力

  (5)in favor of 赞同



  Obviously, when one is reading, he can come acrossthousands of words and hundreds of grammar points in a very short time. Then he will be required tocomprehend the meaning of the words, collocations and sentence structures. Sometimes when he is faced with some unknown words or has no idea about what a paragraph is about, he will be forced to take a guess, which is necessary for language learning and use. By contrast, when a person watches TV, what attracts him is just the changing pictures presented on the screen and he is less likely to pay enough attention to the subtitles or the background voices, as a consequence, he can hardly improve his language skills. When he has something to say, he may feel the idea is just at the tip of his tongue, but he can barely describe his mind in his own words.






  (2)come across 遇到

  (3)comprehend 理解

  (4)be faced with... 面临

  (5)subtitle 字幕

  (6)at the tip of one’s tongue 在嘴边



  In addition, those who read for pleasure often have to imagine in order to understand the world the words create especially when there are noillustrations. Therefore, the more they read, the better their imagination becomes and the sharper their mind gets. Those who sit in front of TV all day, however, do not have to imagine as often as those who read for pleasure because the pictures on the screen tell them everything they want to know.






  (2)create 创造

  (3)illustration (书中的)插图



  In conclusion, TV can undoubtedly presentknowledge in a much vivid way, but reading is more beneficial. If you want to improve your language skills and imagination, doing more reading is a much better choice.






  (2)undoubtedly 毫无疑问地

  (3)present 呈现



  People can entertain themselves in multiple ways.They can read books, surf the Internet, listen to music or watch TV. Many consider that the individuals who often read are better in language skills and creative capabilities like imagination than those who prefer to watch TV. To a certain extent, I am in favor of this argument.


  Obviously, when one is reading, he can come across thousands of words and hundreds of grammar points in a very short time. Then he will be required to comprehend the meaning of the words, collocations and sentence structures. Sometimes when he is faced with some unknown words or has no idea about what the paragraph is about, he will be forced to take a guess, which is necessary for language learning and use. By contrast, when a person watches TV, what attracts him is just the changing pictures presented on the screen and he is less likely to pay enough attention to the subtitles or the background voices, as a consequence, he can hardly improve his language skills. When he has something to say, he may feel the idea is just at the tip of his tongue, but he can barely describe his mind in his own words.


  In addition, those who read for pleasure often have to imagine in order to understand the world the words create especially when there are no illustrations. Therefore, the more they read, the better their imagination becomes and the sharper their mind gets. Those who sit in front of TV all day, however, do not have to imagine as often as those who read for pleasure because the pictures on the screen tell them everything they want to know.


  In conclusion, TV can undoubtedly present knowledge in a much vivid way, but reading is more beneficial. If you want to improve your language skills and imagination, doing more reading is a much better choice.(316 words)


本次唐老师提供的范文,意思非常简单清楚,但语言清晰,文章结构合理,特别适合目前写作水平在6分但又想冲刺7分的同学模仿。想了解更多雅思写作技巧与真题解析?南昌新航道学校www.ncxhd.cn专业从事于南昌雅思,南昌雅思培训,南昌托福培训,南昌托福, 欢迎来电咨询!


