

发布日期:2017-12-23 作者:南昌新航道学校 点击:


  “In many countries, more and more fathers are staying at home to look after children, while mothers work full-time. What are the reasons? Is it positive or negative?”








  原因无外乎包括内因外因。内因是经过这么多年的性别平等运动,男外女内的传统性别角色(gender roles)观念早已动摇,多数男人已经不再认为在家照顾孩子是一件不可接受的事情;











  Just 30 years ago, it was extremely rare that men stayed at home and looked after the family while women worked full-time outside, but now this has become rather common. My personal view is that this development is positive and there are basically two reasons why it happens.




  (1) 本段为引入段,引入话题的方法是提供背景,然后提出自己的观点。

  (2)  rare 罕见的

  (3)  basically 主要地



  Men refused to stay at home and do the housework, as far as I understand, not because they did not want to, but because they were not allowed to do so in the past. The traditional gender role assigned to the husband was to work outside and earn bread for the family. A man who failed to undertake this responsibility would turn himself into a laughing stock among his friends. After years of feminist movement, however, this idea has beenessentially overturned. Today, it is perfectly acceptable and natural that the husband, rather than the wife, stays at home and takes care of the kids.





  (2)gender role 性别角色

  (3)assign 给予;赋予

  (4)a laughing stock 笑柄

  (5)feminist movement 女权运动

  (6)essentially 本质上地



  Another reason has much to do with the transformed structure of the job market in recent decades. On the one hand, new technologies have made many positions previously held by men unavailable any more. For instance, much work in a construction site is now done by machines, rendering many construction workers jobless. On the other hand, more and more positions usually held by women have been created, owing to the rapid growth of theservice industry. It is then not surprising at all to see the growing number of women working full time while their husbands are left behind at home.





  (2)have much to do with... 与......有很大关系

  (3)transform 改变

  (4)job market 就业市场

  (5)render 使得

  (6)owing to 由于

  (7)service industry服务业



  I think of this development as being positive, because it represents one step forward towards social equality and freedom. Now the househusbands no longer have to feel ashamed of themselves and the working wives have more opportunities to realize their personal ambitions.





  (2)think of ... as ... 把......视为......

  (3)represent 代表

  (4)feel ashamed of... 为......感到羞耻

  (5)ambition 理想;野心



  Just 30 years ago, it was extremely rare that men stayed at home and looked after the family while women worked full-time outside, but now this has become rather common. My personal view is that this development is positive and there are basically two reasons why it happens.


  Men refused to stay at home and do the housework, as far as I understand, not because they did not want to, but because they were not allowed to do so in the past. The traditional gender role assigned to the husband was to work outside and earn bread for the family. A man who failed to undertake this responsibility would turn himself into a laughing stock among his friends. After years of feminist movement, however, this idea has been essentially overturned. Today, it is perfectly acceptable and natural that the husband, rather than the wife, stays at home and takes care of the kids.


  Another reason has much to do with the transformed structure of thejob market in recent decades. On the one hand, new technologies have made many positions previously held by men unavailable any more. For instance, much work in a construction site is now done by machines,rendering many construction workers jobless. On the other hand, more and more positions usually held by women have been created, owing tothe rapid growth of the service industry. It is then not surprising at all to see the growing number of women working full time while their husbands are left behind at home.


  I think of this development as being positive, because it represents one step forward towards social equality and freedom. Now the househusbands no longer have to feel ashamed of themselves and the working wives have more opportunities to realize their personalambitions.

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