

发布日期:2017-03-08 作者: 点击:

Tips and techniques to improve your memory
  Memory Strategies - do what the experts do!
  Memory isn't like a muscle, something specific you can exercise. It's a way of organising information in your brain. So to improve your memory, you need to change and re-organise the way you think and this will help to support how your memory works.
  How to improve
  There are two main approaches you can use to help your memory - external aids and internal aids. Memory champions use internal aids, these are techniques we can use in our heads to help us remember, and anyone can do it. Dr Chris Moulin from the Leeds Memory Group describes for us a baker's dozen of internal tips and the external tips - follow the links on the right of this page to read how to improve your memory. Try them out and let us know how useful you find them.
  The Leeds scientists will use your ratings as part of their research into memory - use the vote button to let them know. There's also a form to send us your comments and your own tips - do let us know what you think of the advice.

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